Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Fall Y'all!

Happy fall y'all! Wow, October has gone by sooooo fast. I have had so much fun in my new house. There are lots of things to learn to do. I am still scooting and I haven't started walking yet, so I'm scooting a lot faster these days. I have learned how to scoot over the small step from the living room to the sun porch. I have also learned how to scoot up on to the big step over at Dall and Granddad's house. I am pulling up on everything and I expect that I will be walking everywhere in a few days.

I didn't really dress up as anything for Halloween this year. I did take some fall pictures when we were in the mountains about a month ago and I thought I would share them with you. I hope you are having as fun of a fall as I am.

I am ready for my first real holiday season. While I was around for last Thanksgiving and Christmas, I couldn't really participate in anything. This Thanksgiving and Christmas should be a lot more fun. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye!

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