Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Whole Life

Sissie's shirt says it all. Our whole lives are being blogged. When we do something funny or cute or even really normal, Daddy takes pictures and talks about it on here. Daddy thinks that one day we aren't going to be very happy when we look at some of these pictures that he posts on this blog. I don't think he has anything to worry about because I know that I look pretty cool in all of these pictures. And I know that my sister looks cute. So I don't know what he is worried about.

OK. So I was wrong. Daddy sometimes posts embarassing pictures. I think I probably will be mad at him about these two when I get a little older. But chicks do dig me and I thought it would be fun to where Sissie's hat. Hope it made you laugh and I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I know that we are having fun with Daddy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lena's 3 Month Pictures

On Sunday, Lena was three months old. She is getting so cute. I just want to hold her all the time. Well, not really. But I do like to touch her. But Mommy and Daddy will only let me touch her with one finger. I'm pretty good at only touching her with one finger, but sometimes I forget.

For Lena's three month birthday, Daddy made blueberry pancakes with fresh blueberries from the farmers' market. But, of course, Lena didn't get to have any cause she only drinks baby milk. The blueberry pancakes were sooooo yummy.

After we had pancakes, we went to see Ms. Amy Pennington, the baby photographer who took all of my pictures during my first year. If you want to see more about Ms. Amy, you can find her at, where you can see some of her pictures.

Ms. Amy took lots and lots of pictures of Lena Grace.

Lena even smiled for her in some of the pictures.

Ms. Amy took a couple of pictures of me and Lena in this little seat. It was the perfect size for me. It was a little crowded when Lena got in it with me. But I held on to her. Because she is my sissie. And I have to look out for her.

When Ms. Amy was taking pictures of Sissie, I decided she needed a hairbrush, so I went to Mommy's bag and got the brush and took it to her. Then I tried to get in the picture too, but Daddy wouldn't let me.

Sometimes a guy just has to brush his hair. I guess I am trying to be like Daddy when he was growing up -- carrying a hair brush everywhere.

I can't believe Sissie is already three months old. That means I must really be old. Almost 22 months. Can you believe it?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hippos and Elephants and Goats, Oh My!

Today was a really, really cool day. Lena Grace and I got to go to the zoo for the first time and it was sooooo fun. We saw lots of really neat things and animals that I have only seen on books and on videos. We saw monkeys, giraffes, peacocks, parrots, and lots and lots of ducks.

We also did lots of neat things. The first thing we did was to go see the hippopotamuses. They were getting ready to eat. The zoo lady gave the hippo some lettuce and then asked the hippo to open its mouth. Then she threw the watermelon into his mouth and he closed his mouth and the watermelon exploded and red watermelon juice went everywhere. Here is a cool picture of the hippo right before the zoo lady threw the watermelon into the hippo's mouth.

I also got to feed the goats. They ate their food right out of my hand.
But they didn't bite my hand.
After we saw the Hippo and we fed the goats, we went to see the elephants. If you look real close at my shirt, you will see that my zoo outfit has an elephant on it.

Today was a special day for both me and the elephants. It was special for the elephants because they got a bath in the middle of a very hot day. It was special for me because I was outside (I call it "soutside") and playing and I got to see all the animals. I can't wait to go to the zoo again!

Daddy told me that elephants have to get baths standing up and from a hose because there aren't any bathtubs big enough for elephants. But I told Daddy that I have seen Table Rock lake, and it is big enough for elephants. Daddy didn't have an answer for that one...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day "Things"

First, I want to start off by telling all the fathers in the world "Happy Father's Day" -- just a couple of days late. I had a great Father's Day with my Daddy. First, we went to breakfast and Daddy shared his breakfast with me. I had a biscuit, some grapes (my favorite food group), sausage, and even a little gravy on my biscuit. We also went out to eat for lunch to Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream Shop, and Daddy shared his yummy chocolate ice cream with me. Then Daddy took me to the wading pool in the afternoon and we went swimming together. And then Doll and Granddad came over and we had a really yummy dinner -- Mommy made meatballs and homemade sauce and a key lime pie. Anyways, it was a great, great, great Father's Day.

Well, about those "Things." Two weekends ago, when Mommy was out of town, Granddad and Doll took me and cousin Nate to a breakfast with the Seussical characters. Thing 1 and Thing 2 were there. Here is a picture of Nate with Thing 1 and Thing 2. He looks a little scared.

Here I am with Thing 1 and Thing 2 (and Doll in the background). The Things had really blue hair.
Mommy is teaching me how to wear a hat when we go outside to the park. Here I am wearing a grown up hat for a picture.
Granddad had a party at his office. I didn't get to go. But cousin Nate did and here is a picture of Granddad and cousin Nate in their special sunglasses.
Bye Bye!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Daddy took these pictures of Lena Grace while she was sleeping. Isn't she beautiful? I like her princess sleepsack. It keeps her warm when Daddy has the air conditioning set on -20.
Oh, the joys of sleeping with your mouth open.
And with one hand under your head.
Sleep well, pretty little lady...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Swim Shorts or Swim Pants?

Before Mommy went out of town last weekend, she took me to the Phelps Grove wading pool on Thursday afternoon. It took me a little while to work up my courage to get in the water, mostly because I was watching all the other kids play. I was watching through my really cool sunglasses, of course.

When I finally got in the water, I wanted to get the ball. "Ball" is one of my favorite words right now. And I had to hold my breath until I got the ball....
I saw lots of new people and played with some of them. This litle boy wanted to play with the ball and his truck, at the same time.
After I finished swimming, I went for a walk through the grass. There is nothing like the feeling of grass on your bare feet.... Daddy asked me a question when he saw this picture. He asked, are those swim shorts or swim pants? I told him I didn't know, but I know I look a lot cuter than he does

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Doorknobs, Sunglasses and Sundresses

This weekend, Daddy and Auntie Rachel had a garage sale and I helped them "set up" for the sale. My favorite part was playing with the doorknobs that used to be in our house.

Mommy has made a deal with me. I can go "soutside" (outside) if I wear my new sunglasses. So, here I am in my sunglasses and advertising that I am a big brother.

Lena Grace likes to wear her pretty sundresses. Here she is wearing her sundress and a matching hat. She is so pretty. Daddy likes to call this picture "the thinker." I don't know what that means, but I know she is pretty.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Digging Graham

This has been a tough week at our house. At the start of the week, Mommy was very sick. She had a bad fever, but she didn't tell me. I found out later. But then, Sissie started running a fever on Tuesday and the doctor told Mommy and Daddy that she had to go to the Hospital. Then I didn't see her for two days. But then she got to come home and they said that everything was OK. Daddy said to tell everyone who was praying for baby Lena Grace that we really, really appreciate it. She is doing so much better and so are Mommy and Daddy. I'm just glad she's home.

Anyway, back to the fun stuff. My shirt says it all. Chicks do dig me. Everywhere I go, they always say I am cute. And I am a big flirt. At least that's what Daddy says. So I guess my shirt must be right.

Daddy and I decided to take a picture together because our shirts were the same color....

Hope you have a great weekend!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Earth Angel, Earth Angel

Earth angel
Earth angel
Will you be mine?
My darling dear,
Love you all the time....

Im just a fool,
A fool in love,
with you....

Earth angel
Earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever
And ever more...

I fell for you
And I knew
The vision of your lovliness
I hope and I pray
That someday
Ill be the vision of your happiness.

Yes, that's right, my little sister is an Angel. Lena Grace has a pair of pajamas that have Angel wings. And my PaPa likes to sing songs like Earth Angel, so I thought it would be perfect to call Lena Grace "Earth Angel." Don't you like her wings? They say every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Well, I haven't heard any bells, but "Sissie" (as I like to call her) already has hers. It has been a good weekend at the Cash-Satterwhites. I am a little sick and have been driving everyone a bit crazy, but we had a fun weekend. This weekend, I went to the farmer's market with Mommy, Auntie Rachel, and Doll and I fell and skinned my knee. It is my first skinned knee. First of many, I'm sure. I also went to the park with Daddy and Lena Grace and he helped me to walk on the balance beam. That was my first time. It was very hard to walk on because it was really narrow.

And I went to Petsmart and played with the puppies that were out front for adoption. And I went to a flea market with Mommy and Daddy and saw lots of neat toys. And I helped put together a bookcase for my room. Daddy wouldn't let me hold any of the cool tools, but he did let me put the dowel rods into the shelves and he let me put the screws in the holes before he tightened them. And on Saturday, I helped Daddy install two air conditioner diffusers in the baseboard in my room. Now maybe it won't be so cold in there. And I watched my new DVD -- it has a song called, "If you're happy and you know it." I clapped, and I stomped my feet, and I nodded my head, just like they told me to. Oh yeah, and I put a "Cat in the Hat" hat on Granddad. And I took a wagon ride with Mommy and Daddy and Lena Grace, but she was in the baby bjorn.

And baby Lena did some tummy time -- she cries a lot during tummy time. I don't think she likes it very much. And I woke Mommy up at 5:15 this morning. Cause it was time to get up and play. And I cried a lot. A whole lot. And so did Lena Grace. What else can I say? It was a weekend at the Cash-Satterwhites!