Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hippos and Elephants and Goats, Oh My!

Today was a really, really cool day. Lena Grace and I got to go to the zoo for the first time and it was sooooo fun. We saw lots of really neat things and animals that I have only seen on books and on videos. We saw monkeys, giraffes, peacocks, parrots, and lots and lots of ducks.

We also did lots of neat things. The first thing we did was to go see the hippopotamuses. They were getting ready to eat. The zoo lady gave the hippo some lettuce and then asked the hippo to open its mouth. Then she threw the watermelon into his mouth and he closed his mouth and the watermelon exploded and red watermelon juice went everywhere. Here is a cool picture of the hippo right before the zoo lady threw the watermelon into the hippo's mouth.

I also got to feed the goats. They ate their food right out of my hand.
But they didn't bite my hand.
After we saw the Hippo and we fed the goats, we went to see the elephants. If you look real close at my shirt, you will see that my zoo outfit has an elephant on it.

Today was a special day for both me and the elephants. It was special for the elephants because they got a bath in the middle of a very hot day. It was special for me because I was outside (I call it "soutside") and playing and I got to see all the animals. I can't wait to go to the zoo again!

Daddy told me that elephants have to get baths standing up and from a hose because there aren't any bathtubs big enough for elephants. But I told Daddy that I have seen Table Rock lake, and it is big enough for elephants. Daddy didn't have an answer for that one...

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