Friday, May 23, 2008

Party All the Time

A couple of weeks ago, Mommy, Daddy, Lena and I went to my friend Addie's birthday party. She is two. The party was at a farm just outside of Springfield. Addie turned two. We had lots and lots of fun at her party. There were lots of kids there and most of them were bigger and older than me. Most of them could run and jump and do all kinds of cool things. I tried to play with the bigger kids and some of them played with me too.

Here is a picture of all of the kids who were at the party. Addie is the little girl on the front row with the cool striped leggings. Here is another picture of Addie. Doesn't she have a cool hat?
The farm had lots of real animals, like pigs and miniature horses and goats. They even brought a goat into the party room and let us all pet it. I pet it two different times. The farm also had a fake cow with an udder that you can pretend like you are milking. The udder is full of water. I tried and tried to make milk come out, but the cow wouldn't make any milk....

The best part of the party was that I got to have cake and ice cream. Mommy doesn't like for me to have sweets at home, so this was a special treat. I fed myself and I didn't even make a big mess. But I was the last one at the table eating. I wouldn't let Daddy take my plate away.
They had this really cool thing where you could put your head in a circle and you would look like a cow or a pig or a horse. I liked the pig picture. Don't I make a cute pig?
The farm had some fun tractors. Daddy said I needed to be in a JD picture. I wasn't sure what that meant, but this is the picture that he took. I thought the tractor was really neat, but I couldn't reach the driving wheel.

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